
Patrik Müller
Augustenstraße 67a
70178 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 711 9129 5353
Fax: +49 711 9129 5354


UStID: DE260857585

The information given on this website has been selected with high diligence. However the editor does not guarantee the correctness and completeness of the information provided. Due to that reason any liability for any possible damages caused by the use of the provided information is excluded.

External Links

As far as other websites are linked on this website, the editor of this website points out that he do not have any impact on the composition or the content of the linked sites. He does not adopt their content as his own. At the time of the linking no illegal content was identifiable. The editor regularly checks the used links and will remove them from the website in case illegal content will be found.


Stefan Hohloch (


Natascha Reichert (Bachelor Thesis, Media University, Stuttgart, Germany)